27 de março de 2013

Governo do ESOP: Reino Unido dá preferência ao Software Open Source

Fonte: ESOP
"Pela primeira vez, o Governo do Reino Unido define que será dada preferência ao Software Open Source em todos os futuros desenvolvimentos de serviços públicos digitais.

Foi publicada no passado dia 14 de Março a versão beta do novo Government Service Design Manual, que define os standards para o desenvolvimento de novos serviços digitais no governo britânico e que entrará em vigor a partir de Abril deste ano.

Com esta medida, o Software Open Source passará a ser a escolha preferencial em relação a alternativas de software proprietário ou closed source, especialmente no que diz respeito a sistemas operativos, software de networking, servidores, bases de dados e linguagens de programação. Neste passo inédito, fica definido que os produtos proprietários só devem ser usados nos organismos governamentais em circunstâncias “raras”.

Estas directrizes surgem em linha com o lançamento, em Novembro do ano passado, dos Open Standards Principles, cujo objectivo final é o de diminuir custos com as tecnologias de informação do governo.

De acordo com Liam Maxwell, CTO do Governo do Reino Unido, a preferência pelo Software Open Source tem a vantagem de este poder ser usado por outros países e, assim, poder ser melhorado.

Maxwell havia anteriormente dado passos neste sentido, ao assinar um acordo de desenvolvimento de serviços públicos digitais com a Estónia, que tem sido líder na utilização de Software Open Source na criação de sistemas governamentais de TI."

21 de março de 2013

Dois lugares vazios para Marketers e Criativos da Comunicação

Na Open Solutions temos um lugar para ti, qualquer que seja a forma como trabalhas!
Envolvemos as pessoas e empenhamo-nos arduamente.

- que sejas completo e polivalente
- que tenhas um bom nível de inglês, falado e escrito
- que vivas a marca e o slogan
- que te envolva e participes e que seja capaz de te estimular a ti e aos outros
- que nos permitas crescer em conhecimento dentro da tua área

Aqui esperam-te:
- espaço para teres iniciativa
- um escritório com grandes janelas e muita luz
- uma grande secretária
- livre acesso a livros
- cafeína que baste
- flexibilidade de horários
- remuneração de acordo com o programa de estágios do IEFP

Acede a este formulário e envia-nos um documento original onde respondes a duas perguntas:
a) que características fazem de ti o candidato à altura?
b) quando queres vir para uma entrevista?

18 de março de 2013

The impact of open source on business and social good

"Some people and businesses still restrict their comprehension of open source as free software that sucks up the wealth of a healthy capitalist society. They do not see the forest for the trees. They see free software as a threat to the enterprise but miss the multi-billion dollar ecosystem that it has created from which businesses of all sizes and types are benefiting.

Here are two cases that reflect the impact of the "open source way of doing things" on the business."


I vividly remember the time when my early opinions about open source software were built around questions that made natural (and perfect) sense to me at that point in my life, like: "Why would someone sell a software product for free?" and "Why should anyone participate in a project that does not reap financial rewards?" These formed the basis of my rationale.

That was before I embarked on my professional journey and as a consequence had not experienced organizational life. My myopic view towards the open source methodology of developing projects, and the profound impact this methodology has on the business world in general and the organizational structure in particular, began to broaden after my first intense exposure to the Linux operating system at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. My understanding about the magnificence of this operating system and the process by which it is constantly iterated caused a 180-degree transformation. This consequently cultivated appreciation for the entire process of peer production and the impact it has on today's businesses, both big and small.

Today, mass collaboration is changing the foundational structure of businesses and reshaping the way these entities operate in our highly competitive environment. Collaboration, fueled by open methodologies and peer production, is forcing management to rethink their strategies. Organizations that have previously created walled cities are breaking the barriers and creating public spaces where all can grow and contribute to push forward the boundaries of their businesses as well as the boundaries of industries they operate in.

Despite of all the benefits (in terms of quality, speed, and wealth) that open source and the collaborative mode of undertaking projects have generated, there is still some misunderstanding and gap in the appreciation of these significant changes. 

The rise of collaborative organizations

The digital revolution, also called the third revolution, has changed the entire landscape of the business world. After the industrial revolution, no other revolution has changed the fabric of the society as the Internet revolution has changed it. It has given rise to organizations that thrive on volunteers, peer production, and collaboration. Wikipedia, the Mozilla Foundation, Wordpress, Red Hat, and many more are competing today with some of the best financed and resourceful enterprises across the globe. The parameters of this competition are not only governed by cost but defined by quality as well. In 2005, the British Journal Nature conducted a comparative study and found that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britanica. A Wikimedia traffic analysis report in 2012 shows that Google Chrome has a larger market than Internet Explorer and my second favorite brower Mozilla Firefox has a significant market share. Likewise, Red Hat Enterprise Linux is widely implemented in almost all the big financial corporations not only because of the cost but also because of the stability it adds to the complex technology infrastructures in financial companies.

IBM, a company that became a giant by selling everything proprietary, is another big example and its engagement with the Apache web server project and Linux are well known. In 1999, IBM announced its support to the open source Linux project and since then has contributed consederable financial and technical resources to the Linux community. It played an instrumental role in establishing the Apache software foundation and the Linux development group. Not only did the "big blue" save millions that would have gone into developing its own operating system, it learned and mastered the workings of a new type of business model that was set to change the software industry forever. 

Organizations and institutions across sectors are opening up for new partnerships and utilizing the vast amount of "unique skilled talents" not available within the confines of their companies. Initiatives like InnoCentive, Human Genome project, and MIT and Harvard University's edX program offer platforms and opportunties for world changing innovations.


The big boost to entrepreneurship

The Internet is one of the best things that has happened to humanity. Not only does it open the world up to an individual (and vice versa), it has become a nucleus of global economic activity. More and more people today are making their living by selling bits and bytes. The cost of starting a web-based business is extremely low relative to starting a business that relies on physical channels. This low cost of bootstrapping a business combined with the creative nature of the Internet has encouraged millions to launch their own ventures. The low cost of starting a web-based business has become possible primarily because of the availability of open source software and infrastructure. The free LAMP software stack, which constitutes Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, has made it possible for creative and thoughtful people with ideas to start businesses on the Internet that are playing a positive role in pushing forward the human race.

The open source movement and its methodologies have contributed significantly to the business world and created ecosystems that have positively impacted all industries and billions of people across the globe. And this movement has largely been fueled by thousands of volunteers who contribute to these projects for a wide range of reasons, including to grow their networks, enhance their resumes, refine their skills, and just for doing social good.

In the words of Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia: "We are gathering together to build this resource that will be made available to all the people of the world for free. That's a goal that people can get behind". What struck me as I finished the last sentence was a quote from the movie Pearl Harbour: "There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."

o artigo completo pode ser encontrado aqui.

4 de março de 2013

O que acontecia se trabalhasse fora do escritório por um dia?

A Open Solutions associa-se esta quinta-feira à iniciativa original do "Out of Office Day"!

Acreditamos que uma maior flexibilidade laboral estimula a criatividade e o envolvimento dos nossos colaboradores e, por isso, tem um impacto feliz na produtividade e na qualidade de vida!

Vamos entusiasmar-nos a trabalhar fora do escritório - em casa, do café, no jardim ou a partir de qualquer outro lugar.

Quem se junta a nós - e a isto?